G'day everyone
I get lots of payments from various clients from overseas. Every time the bank has to call me or e-mail me and I have to explain the purpose of the payment (and the purpose is always the same: payment for services rendered).
This time, my bank included this paragraph in their mail:
Finally, should you receive payments of this nature on a regular basis, it is recommended that you consider the implementation of a Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI). SSI’s can be implemented in respect of repeat payments, i.e., payments where the instructing party, currency, account number to be credited and the reason for the payment, are the same. Once implemented, payment instructions received falling within the ambit of the SSI, will be executed in terms of the instruction contained in the SSI without having to contact you. Should you require any further information in this regard, please contact your closest Absa Bank branch, offering International Banking services.
Does anyone have any experiences with SSIs? Who is the instructing party -- me or the client who pays me? Do you know of ways in which I can prevent the bank from having to ask me every time I get a payment from a client (except banking abroad, which is what I'm beginning to consider, given all the hassles and high accounting fees locally).
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