My front/side garden is a mess. The main problem is that we do not use it because it is not walled in so we cannot be there with the dogs plus there is no privacy. Although I keep it slightly trimmed (once every couple of months), it's time to do something about it and make it really lekker.
So we are going to wall it in, put in pool, some lekker lawn with irrigation, built in flower beds with mainly water wise plants, lighting, gazebo....
the space is not huge so a smallish pool is needed. We've had a quote for R48,000 for a fibre glass pool (5.2m x 3m) installed and ready to go. We where kinda happy with that (ouch, but what we where expecting), until visiting a clients house on Friday, and she built a 12m x 2.5 m pool for R22,000!
Now looking into it, it might be the way to go. I would like a slightly above ground pool anyway (so you have about 400mm above ground), nice seating place and helps to keep dirt out.
haven't cleared up all the issues but seems pretty basic.
Dig hole, bottom needs around 20cm compacted building sand, lay 30cm reinforced concrete slab with steel reinforced poles around the border, lay out course bricks, lay inner course bricks, fill in between with concrete, build steps, plaster inside, fibreglass.
I would not lay the brickwork myself, and maybe not the fibreglassing, but everything else I think could be done fairly quickly with a little help...
Am I kidding myself? Am I being extremely naive and leave it for the experts?
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