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Thread: Feast or famine

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Feast or famine

    After a truly manic week with a cluster of deadlines for 12.00 today, I'm asking -

    Why can't life come at us at a steady pace?

    Feel like I've just run the Comrades five days in a row

  2. #2
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    i suppose you are off on holiday again to spend the millions you made

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I wish, Murdock

    A lot of it was... let's call it prospecting. At this stage the fruit is uncertain.

    I'm just amazed though at how these things happen in clusters.

  4. #4
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    i have had a 3 month holiday from work...spending too much money and time on setting up my new hobby playing with my new toys and thinking about what i should do with my bussiness...

    should i put more effort into expanding with the intention of getting a buyer to buy me out and retire.

    should i just stay small and keep doing what i am doing at the moment and work for the rest of my life.

    should i put my head down spend many hours making lots of money and as i make it invest in property or shares.

    do i join forces with a group of other people and work as a team/partners to grow a bussiness ( never been an option for me before because partnerships dont work) and end up in a dispute with the partners and have a fall out or have one of the partners run off with all the money.

    join a team in a joint venture to expand my bussiness so we can take on big projectes and sit with payment issues for months on end.

    or just pack it all in and start something completely different and work.

    or go work for a company join the union and do as little as posible and focus on my hobbies...

    the reason i am thinking like this is because i am getting so tried of going to work everyday and seeing the absolute rubbish workmanship in the electrical industry...i dont enjoy being an electrician anymore....there is nothing you can do about...customers are not interested in a good job anymore its all about the long as it works and its the cheapest price they arent interested in a quality neat job...when i do work sticks out like the sore thumb...and the forst thing the customer says is...that looks like its gona cost me a fortune...when i walk away i think to myself what a waste of time going to all that trouble i should have just done a crap job like the rest of his building.

    i have thought if you cant beat them join them and also just do crap work...unfortunately i tried it but would rather sit at home and put stamps on envolopes.

  5. Thank given for this post:

    AndyD (18-Sep-10), Dave A (18-Sep-10)

  6. #5
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Get rich quick action plan:
    1. Purchase large can of chocolate skin tanning agent;
    2. Apply in copious amounts;
    3. Join ANC;
    4. Locate Corruption Training Department;
    5. Enroll;
    6. Open Swiss bank accounts;
    7. Voila... Amandla.
    In search of South African Technology Nuggets(R), for sale & trading in South East Asia.

  7. #6
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    i have had a 3 month holiday......

    ........the reason i am thinking like this is because i am getting so tried of going to work everyday and seeing the absolute rubbish workmanship in the electrical industry.........
    A couple of things spring to mind.

    1. If you still feel this way after a 3 month break then it might be time for a radical change.

    2. I think if you see electrical installation work as a vocation more than just a profession then you're going to be bitterly disappointed until the day you retire.

    3. You know that the 'if you cant beat them join them and also just do crap work'feelings are just a symptom of your disappointment of the state of the industry and not a viable option as a way forward..

    Quote Originally Posted by desA View Post
    6. Open Swiss bank accounts;
    You can actually skip step 6, you would only need to do this if they every decide to take a realistic stand against corruption.


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    flaker (19-Sep-10)

  9. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    should i put my head down spend many hours making lots of money and as i make it invest in property or shares.
    When you're in a situation where you're selling hours and it's hard to leverage your time, that tends to be the best strategy.
    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    the reason i am thinking like this is because i am getting so tried of going to work everyday and seeing the absolute rubbish workmanship in the electrical industry...i dont enjoy being an electrician anymore....there is nothing you can do about...customers are not interested in a good job anymore its all about the long as it works and its the cheapest price they arent interested in a quality neat job...
    There is a market for quality, Murdock. Not everyone, true, but then could you service everyone anyway?

    And don't let the rubbish workmanship of others get you down.
    • You didn't do it
    • Fixing up other people's mess is where the quality operators get most of their business

    When your goal is to provide a quality service, you may have a smaller target market, but you also have much less competition, way fewer unhappy customers and a lot less worries.

  10. #8
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Gluttony and Famine comes down to you biting the dust long before your time is up. Basically Crappy workmanship is completely acceptable. I myself take pride in what I do, but lately if you look at what passes for good work lately it just goes beyond my understanding.

    If I can tap into that elusive gravy-train and just get money for basically nothing then I wouldn’t hesitate. See for me it is not about how you make your money, it’s about the end game. Your last 30 or so years on this earth...

    The truth of it all is, when it comes to the end game you want enough in the bank to hold you out of a public hospital and still enjoy life to a degree. Right now public hospitals are still a scary reality for me. But if you have enough then dump the job and go live your life. But if anybody knows how to get on that wonderful gravy-train then get on it... why not?
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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