this morning at 1.30 am i got up to assist my daughter...once she settled i went to the bathroom to wash my hands and drink some luck as i closed the tap the tap washer broke...
no problem to me i go to the garage get a pair of pliers and head to the water meter where the stop cock is to switch off the i can switch off the water...well to my horror i found that my old brass water meter is gone and a new plastic meter is in its place and the old stop cock i have used for as long as i can remeber is no longer there either...and there is no here i sit water p*sssing out the tap and no way to switch it off...
let this be a warning to anyone who lives in durban and has recently had people replacing the water pipes on the no longer have a stop cock next the meter so best you get hold of a plumber to get one fitted on your property other wise you might just have the same i have at the moment...water pouring out the tap and no way to switich it off.
you would think that the water department would advise you of this change...yeah right.
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