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Thread: New COC headache

  1. #1
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    New COC headache

    The clients do not want to pay, the semi-skilled are poaching our clients. And at the end of the day DOL is suffocating us.

    Page 1: Note 1:This certificate is NOT valid unless ALL the sections have been completed correctly...
    Page 6: Note: ...if no signature appears(see above) the signatory of 5.4 takes responsibillity.

    Page 1: Registered person registration number...; Electrical contractor registration number....: Accreditation certificate/License number?
    Page 1: I, (Name)....declare.....Contact details Name:..... I, (NAME)....declare..... Contact details of electrical contractor: Name....
    Why the hell must I fill my name in 4 times on the first page???? To top it off I must do it again on the last page.

    Page 1: Date of registration:...TWICE!!!!!

    Page 1: Adress & contact numbers: TWICE!!!!!

    I think you get my drift, let alone registration expiry date, it is still the same as it has been for years!!!

    Now I ask with tears in my eyes why could they not get a suitably qualified person to check the design before dumping the crap on us.
    Don't they realise that we do not get carried by the Government, that we will be losing a lot of time filling in this book? I am damn sure that if they printed the COC number on the next page it sure as hell would not have affected their salaries.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparks View Post
    Now I ask with tears in my eyes
    Yep...also....tears rolling down my cheeks.....if you figure out the reason please let me know.

  3. #3
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    You must be joking, I have neither the time nor inclination to try figure it out. I will just continue swearing them. Wishful think does help occasionaly.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The electrical COC design problems keep coming. Quite simply, it's over-engineered.

    Whatever committee is responsible for this really needs some new blood.

  5. #5
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Brains more likely. I have uncovered something else which I need solved within 2 weeks. Yesterday I did an inspection where they have 2 solar panels on the roof with a 600W inverter. This is a totally seperate installation with it's own lighting circuit utilising lampholders without fittings and a dedicated 2x4 socket outlet.(no ELCB on the inverter) This being an alternative power supply I could mark it as such on the COC if it were connected to the main installation, however it is a totally seperate installation for the same house. I can, as before issue a seperate COC for it, but how does the pre-allocated numbering work? Where do I indicate that there is an additional installation covered by a seperate COC? And "they" thought they were improving the COC!
    We all know what "thought" did.
    "Record in the “New/altered/temporary installation” column, that part of the installation now installed by yourself.
    ◦Item 11: “or” has been introduced at the end to indicate a choice between items 11 and 12.
    ◦Item 12: Note that in terms of the EIR 2009, the cut-off date for this option is no longer 1992.
    •All installation work done before the publication of the last amendment to the SANS 10142-1, can now be certified in terms of this." According to this it is no longer pre92 but pre 2009!!! How on earth???
    I think maybe it is time to change occupation.

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