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Thread: Ubuntu linux

  1. #1
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Ubuntu linux

    Must say, just started a x over to ubuntu 10 and so far pretty good.All the problems i anticipated seem to be not to much of a problem! And as for the speed.... hahahaha.... oh this is just so nice!

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  3. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    12 week later...

    Still smiling, Garth?

  4. #3
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post week later...

    Still smiling, Garth?
    Bet you been dying to ask that question

    Yup still pretty happy. The boot speed etc is awesome. Had a few challenges but mostly getting to know the system, where to find the right stuff etc. Even most of the MS stuff is sorted, printing network, access to other pc's etc.

    Theres alot that it doesnt do, but its mostly pretty stuff and that really doesnt phase me, dont use my pc to look pretty... use it to work!! On MS normally have alot of the fading windows and cuck off for speed.

    Yup, dont think i will be going back... will keep vista as an option for a few months... just in case though

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  6. #4
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    lucid has sort of marked what I feel to be one of the better distributions in the ubuntu range. I use for my media box at home, and with a few tweaks and additions, I've got it going exactly how I want it to. also using Kubuntu for some of the "pretty," it looks and feels good. a bit of tweaking on the open office apps and maybe the odd program downloaded from apt-get, and it almost sorts itself out.

  7. #5
    Gold Member irneb's Avatar
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    I also love Ubuntu. I was even happy with 8, 10's just sooooo much faster!

    Unfortunately I simply cannot get rid of Winsnooze! I cannot get anything close to AutoCAD 2008 working on linux ... no matter what I try. Closest I can get is a clone called BricsCAD which runs through Wine, but it only has the features of ACad 2004. Some of the new stuff has become indespensable to me.

    But that may be something of a future non-problem as AutoDesk is making a tentative toe-dip back to their roots by testing a port to Mac (they used to make a Unix, Mac & DOS version in the late 80's). And if they can do that, then the BSD -> Debian shouldn't be that difficult. AFAIK the major reason behind ACad not working in Wine is its dependencies on DotNet 3.5. I'd wish they'd steer clear of yet another dictatorship bedfellow though, anyone read those idiotic Jobsisms about the iPhone 4G and the KGB-like security police for the iPad?

    As for anything else, I find the Linux alternatives to be at least as good as those programs I used to have on Winloose. Some are even a lot better. And that's actually the main reason I like Ubuntu that much. After some steep learning I love Gimp a whole bunch over PhotoShop. Thunderbird & Lightning just simply kicks Outlook's @$$. OOoWrite with Master Documents gives a true collaboration wordprocessor, relegating Word to a post-it writer.
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  8. #6
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Agreed , it really has come a s a pleasant surprise exactly how much software is available and its capability. Music is something i have done for a while and any windoes stuff with ability generally set u back sev grand. Mixxx and jokosher are brilliant for music edit etc. Also the GIMP SW as you say... takes time to re learn it all but not concerned about my photo shop anymore either... can also keep there cash

    Havnt tried thundrebird yet, heard about it, give it a bash when i got free time, but even the evolution was ok to start with... just the address book dont like. Thunderbird will probably sort it..

    My one and only issue has been quick books... surprise surprise... Now just making the decision if thats important to me. Can be done but around R400 or try WINE... but will see...

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