I keep getting emails from Reeds Delta in Cape Town telling me to have my car serviced. I mailed them and asked them nicely to remove me from their mailing list. The mails still keep coming. Now take a look at what they say:
If your vehicle has been serviced already, kindly ignore this
If your vehicle is not yet due for a service, please email
direct@reeds.co.za and simply type your Registration number and
current mileage in the body of the email so that we can update
the mileage on your record.
If the mileage is not updated you will keep on receiving
reminders for the service, your assistance in this respect is
My view is this: Mail me once, not once a week. I am perfectly capable of deciding whether to have my car serviced or not. All that they do by constantly sending me these mails is p1$$ me off. Why should I inform a single service provider of the status of my car if I have no intention of having them service my car.
Viral Marketing - my A$$ - this just gets on my nerves.
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