Hi Guys
A lot of people get excited about the marketing opprtunity around SEO, but miss the very first step of SEO, being keyword research. This is an article I wrote that I hope will help some people out.
Keyword Analysis.
Not the most appealing topic, but an absolutely critical foundation nonetheless. Keyword analysis is all about finding the keywords that people are punching into the search engines, day in and day out, that are relevant to your website. Essentially we’re measuring the demand for any given keyword. How we find this informational gold bar is by using a nifty, free keyword tool from Google which can be found at:
Using the Google Keyword tool, type in a broad term that would describe what your website offers. As an example, I’ll use an accounting firm, who provides various accounting services. For this, we will use a broad term, such as “accountant”. The keyword tool will then return a few pages of results, with 50 results per page.
The next step is to sort this information by “Local Monthly Searches”, high to low. From this list, we choose 10 – 20 keywords which best describe the actual website which is being optimized and write them down (or export them to Excel). Then it’s onto the next step, which is competition analysis.
Using the list we have created, we need to visit www.google.co.za and start assessing the competition for these keywords. Obviously, the lower the competition, the easier it will be to optimize for, so the ultimate goal in keyword research is to find high search volume keywords with low competition.
How we assess the competition is by typing each keyword into Google, one at a time, with inverted commas on either side. For example to assess the competition for the keyword, accountant, we would type “accountant” into Google and set it to South African results. From this, we would see that the keyword “accountant” has 208,000 results – that’s way too much competition for any sane person. So we look for another keyword, say “accounting services” – this reveals only 24,000 results – getting better. And so the process is continued until we find the best keywords with good search volumes and low competition.
Ideally, I like to target keywords with less than 10,000 competition (results), but this is not always possible. If the website is a local business, then it’s a good idea to try the keyword in conjunction with the city, for example “accountant Johannesburg” – which, as it turns out, only has 2,500 results... Now we’re talking....
And that sums up the first step in basic SEO – keyword research. Try to narrow down 3-5 keywords for your website to start with. In SEO, as in offline marketing, finding your niche is very important – the more targeted your keywords are, the easier it is to rank in and dominate the search engines. In my next column, I’ll show you how to implement these keywords into your website and get the ball rolling.
This information is covered in more detail in my free SEO Basics course which you can download at www.FreeSEO.co.za
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