Why is it so difficult to find a business partner in South Africa.
I will give you a short Background. I was a detective in the SAPS and saw shortcomings in the process of missing persons.Not only does the police not have all the information needed . For example burned corpses ext ext.teeth for identification.
I developed a Mobile Dental x ray Biometric recording clinic (MDXBRC)
I copy and paste a few comment from various people I contacted:
Dear Kobus,
Whilst a unique, interesting and also useful security measure, a business of this nature is beyond the focus of PicknPay.
You should consider approaching the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) or Business Partners (formerly the Small Business Development Corporation – SBDC) who do assist small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Thank you for considering PicknPay.
Dennis Cope
I was in contact with various goverment departmentes All showed a keen intrest and we had lots of meetigs with them. Education , Tourism, Safety & Security.CITA, COSATU ( they support this project 100%)
The problem is they all take their time and I feel they are wasting my time.
Now this might sound to good to be true. What I need is a person/ company who wants to buy into my idea. The cost will be R4000 000-00. and will pay for itself within half a year.
I am willing to share my idea with anybody intrested. Kitten Mathews the sister of Min Pandor , proff Ysuf Osmon ( FACULTY OF DENTISTRY & WHO ORAL HEALTH COLLABORATING CENTRE
Attie Retief
■ Managing Director ■
■ IMMIX Solutions Cape (Pty) Ltd ■
■ Tel: +27 86 000 5462 ■ Fax +27 86 619 1428 ■ Mobile: +27 83 284 0013 ■
■ Disclaimer: http://www.immix.co.za/business/inde...isclaimer.html ■
are a few members of our idea/ business.
I cannot gave more details about this invention for fear that someone will steel my idea.There is no other invention like this anywhere in the world. It could be implemented on our airports and lots of money could be made.This could create jobs, safety and put us on the forefront of tegnology anywhere in the world.
Kobus Kirsten
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