
I agree with DesA about seeing a good lawyer. Seek one that specializes is litigation and with some criminal (case) history.

As for the statue on limitations question.
The South African High court and magistrates court-rules allows for a period of 5 years limiting a persons claim against another for payments owed. As for the fraud case, there is no limit on the time from the defrauding to the case date.

Basically it means that if the lawyers will sue in terms of the court rules they have to do something (anything) in the next 5 years to extend the period for another 5 years. If for instance you keep quite about money owed to you for 5 years you cannot request a payback. But if you just send a simple email 4 years and 11 months to the person owing you, you have another 5 years.

PS. Please dont wait 5 years!

Good Luck
