Looks like Vodacom is passing on some of their savings to the folk down below.
For the same price of a 1GB Data bundle, you now get 1.2GB
It's not a significant saving, but it's better than nothing.
Looks like Vodacom is passing on some of their savings to the folk down below.
For the same price of a 1GB Data bundle, you now get 1.2GB
It's not a significant saving, but it's better than nothing.
Noticed that too when I got my bill this month. I see it's also cheaper if you're on a month-to-month contract.
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Same thing with the prepaid!![]()
Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
And central banks are the slave clearing houses
It may not be much, to you yet, but for someone who only uses 500MB average (as example), it may be much more
Dave, which contract are you referring to specifically? My father in law is considering getting 3G, on the farm where their Telkom lines got stolen again last week, so they might save some money this way.
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I'm on (or at least what was) a MyGig 1. It's now a MyGig 1.2.
You save R60.00 a month by going month-to-month from the MyMeg 600 upwards, by the looks of things. That would be a saving of R1440.00 over two years which should be balanced against the cost of buying your own connection kit. If you go on the 24 month contract, you're getting kit for "free".
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
The word free needs some more quotes me thinks... If you go with a 24mnth contract with the "modem" included your monthy charge is increased to cover the cost ... so it's actually more like a budget payment (with some interest).
Look at the difference in prices between the Prepaid & Contract, from the MyMeg600 upwards the contract is R60/m more expensive. Thus you pay 60x24= R1440 for the device. What's strange is the difference between the MyMeg300 (only R20), but of course then you pay quite a lot per meg! Really nice is the Advanced packageStrange that the MyGig 2.3 is the cheapest on in-bundle per meg (R0.17). It tells me VodaCom wants to ward off too much traffic by making the larger bundles more expensive.
BTW, I've been asked again about what connection's the best (performance & cost wise). And still I can't see that ADSL is any cheaper unless you go for about 3 Gigs (or more) per month ... even with Afrihost's R29/Gig, the Telkom line charges is just stupid! Of course if you already have an ADSL line used for your phone line that's a different matter. The only one I could find cheaper than Vodacom is NeoTel (talking about R0.11 / meg), but then it's not available everywhere (especially not where the guy asking me lives). As to performance that's a whole different monster, and from my experience ADSL isn't much better (at best) than my Vodacom connection!
Last edited by irneb; 19-May-10 at 07:09 AM.
Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
And central banks are the slave clearing houses
Dave A (20-May-10)
If you go into one of the Incredible Corruption stores you can pick up a USB modem for R599 (including the Prepaid starter pack) ... or you could get it for "free" if you sign a MyMeg600 24 month contract for R199/m (which is cheaper than doing it direct through Vodacom at R249/m).
In this case the contract seems to make some sense:
- Prepaid @ R189/m + once off R599 --> R5135 total for 2 years
- Vodacom Contract @ R249 x 24 --> R5976
- I.C. Contract @ R199/m x 24 --> R4776
Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
And central banks are the slave clearing houses
Just to complicate things further, if you renew at places like Makro, you often get shopping vouchers. R2000 is not unusual.
With all the options and wrinkles, maybe the term "free kit" should be wrapped in questions marks![]()
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
Nothing in life is free. In our aria Telkom is slow to install the much needed data lines thus you are stuck with mobile internet or Zeus forbid dial-up! Now I am happy that I get a bit more for my money but we are still so far behind American or UK standards. That just takes the fun out of internet.
And if we are to adopt the UK’s “spy-on-content” approach to "stop" crime! Then it will not matter anymore because we will be equally f*#%*d
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
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