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Thread: New entrepreneurship portal

  1. #1
    Full Member Ann Williams's Avatar
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    New entrepreneurship portal

    I'm pleased to announce that South African entrepreneurs have a new source of news, views, blog posts and information that is specifically geared towards local SMMEs -

    We are launching to Gauteng businesses during May, followed by the Western Cape in June, KwaZulu-Natal in July and the rest of the country shortly after that. What this means is that info specific to these provinces will start appearing - although there is already plenty of news of interest to anyone running a small business anywhere in the country.

    This is the fruition of a dream of mine that was sparked when I was the Online Editor for Business Day a number of years ago. I always believed that there was a dire need for an online portal that would provide news and information for non-JSE listed companies in South Africa.

    Although it has been ten weeks later than I had originally planned due to a death, a hysterectomy and a kidney transplant occuring in members of my immediate family (even our cat had a major operation) during this time, I look forward to keeping the information coming through to support our hard-working entrepreneurs.

    As there will be new content on a regular basis, as well as some snippets and giveaways etc that will only be available to subscribers, we ask that you sign up for our accompanying <strong>newsletter, the B2Be-zine</strong> where you will get a weekly summary of the most relevant posts.
    <br><a href="" target="new">Click here to subscribe.</a>

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Good luck with this, Ann. I always marvel at how much work you put into the articles on your websites.

  3. #3
    Full Member Ann Williams's Avatar
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    Centurion (behind the Boerewors curtain), Pretoria.
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    Thanks Dave

    Dave, thank you for this.

    Yes, I do try and give a bit of steak along with any sizzle for what I produce whether it is a website or a training course.

    One of the reasons why I made this portal is because I am so tired of seeing press releases and sound bites/comments dressed up as news. Another one of my pet peeves is that the media these days is so focused on the negative. The idea of content also being at least partly educational seems to have fallen by the wayside.

    Another trend that has become so common with the explosion of blogging, is the rechurning of content. Not only original news, but finding solid original blogging is also becoming harder and harder.

    I really want to give readers info that may be of use to them (at least on occasion).

  4. #4
    Email problem
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    Hi Ann

    Thanks for that very helpful website.

    Good Luck!

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