but here is the catch...they are appointed...but SANS accredited?...pending...to police the industrylet me go have another beer...tell me another joke....still no AIA in kzn...nothing a crate of beer cant sort out...just like the durban corporation inspectors...the fella who tested the chatworth centre collected his case of whiskey ever site visit and everyone was happy.
just like the insurance ad goes tooo much blah blah and yada yada and not enough ching ching...on paper everything sounds great but lets see it work...lets see a proper road show not a circus...the DOL need to step up to the plate grab the bull by the horns and sort out this industry...instead of palming all their resposibilties off to the private sector...if the DOL dont have the correct skills fire them and employ people who do have the skills
just some advice for those of you who dont know this...if they walk onto your site and start making a fuss and they dont have a document with a formal complaint...throw them off site they cannot just walk onto your site and start checking your installation unless they have a formal complaint.
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