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Thread: Labour on KwaZulu-Natal wholesale and retail sectors inspection reports

  1. #1
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    Labour on KwaZulu-Natal wholesale and retail sectors inspection reports

    Swift action against KwaZulu-Natal employers who break the law

    20 April 2010

    Labour inspectors have moved swiftly to enforce labour laws in the wholesale and retail sector following an intense inspection drive of more than 600 employers across KwaZulu-Natal.

    Preliminary reports still being received from the provinces' 16 labour centres reveal an alarmingly low level of compliance with more than half of the workplaces visited found to be contravening various aspects of employment conditions and safety standards as prescribed by relevant legislation.

    In Pietermaritzburg, inspectors have served prohibition notices at two major retail supermarkets where it was found that there was immediate danger being posed to the lives of workers as a result of disregarding occupational health and safety measures.

    In one instance, the employer did not provide the appropriate personal protective wear for working in a cold room which is in direct violation of the environmental regulations for workplaces. At the second supermarket, the employer was found not to be complying with the electrical installation regulations. In both instances the notices remain in force and will not be revoked until inspectors are satisfied that all safety precautionary measures are met by the employers concerned.

    Contravention notices were also served to other employers in cases where no first aiders were appointed at workplaces or a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act was not displayed.

    In terms of the sectoral determination nine for the sector, inspectors were concerned about the high level of non-compliance when it comes to the payment of minimum wages, no written particulars of employment, no payslips issued, annual leave not granted as prescribed, no proof of registration with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), attendance registers not in place and the non-payment of overtime.

    All employers found to be on the wrong side of the law were given set timeframes to comply. Follow up inspections will be conducted and employers who still disregard the law may face court action to be initiated by the department.

    Employers found to be fully compliant are applauded for adhering to labour standards and being cooperative with inspectors. The drive in KwaZulu-Natal was part of a national inspection campaign set to remain as a permanent feature of the department's efforts to protect vulnerable workers country wide.

    Last edited by Dave A; 28-Apr-10 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    It might seem odd me shunting this one into the electrical contracting forum, but note this bit:
    Quote Originally Posted by I Robot View Post
    In Pietermaritzburg, inspectors have served prohibition notices at two major retail supermarkets where it was found that there was immediate danger being posed to the lives of workers as a result of disregarding occupational health and safety measures.

    In one instance, the employer did not provide the appropriate personal protective wear for working in a cold room which is in direct violation of the environmental regulations for workplaces. At the second supermarket, the employer was found not to be complying with the electrical installation regulations. In both instances the notices remain in force and will not be revoked until inspectors are satisfied that all safety precautionary measures are met by the employers concerned.
    Might help in marketing electrical services. I don't know about you, but I've seen some shockers.
    Last edited by Dave A; 28-Apr-10 at 01:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    Labour on closure of business operator in Mabopane

    Labour inspectors shut down Mabopane business

    15 June 2010

    The Department of Labour inspectors today, Tuesday, ordered the closure of Meat and Chicken in Mabopane, North West of Pretoria, due to non-compliance of electrical installation, the distribution board is not covered and no certificate of compliance for electrical installation is available.

    The bench saw does not have a start and stop device, its plug is plugged underneath the table which is always packed with grades. The freezers can't be opened from inside.

    The business operators are not allowed to work in that section until they have fixed the problem and have a certificate from a registered electrician. The department will then revoke the notice.

    Workers working in that section were sent home but the inspectors assured them that they are going to be paid the full amount by the employer and should it not be the case they can contact the Department of Labour.

    These are on-going inspections by labour inspectors in the working environment to enforce compliance with all labour legislation and in the process a number of non-compliance notices are issued, forcing employers to correct the wrongs that were identified within 60 days to avoid prosecution.

    This week, the department has turned their focus on forestry and agricultural sectors in Gauteng.

    "The week-long blitz campaign, which started on Monday, 14 June, would build on the sterling foundation already laid by our inspection programme to ensure compliance with all the labour laws which began in February," says Meshack Magakwe, Communications Manager at the Department of Labour.

    Areas of focus will include wages and other conditions of employment as prescribed by the sectoral determinations for both vulnerable industries.

    He said vigilant teams of inspectors would visit farms to assess for themselves the level of compliance.

    "Where there are problems, they will bring those to the attention of employers and give them time to correct. However, if on subsequent visits, the areas of non-compliance have still not been corrected, the inspectors will not hesitate but to enforce the prescripts as outlined in the labour legislation," Magakwe said.

    He said the inspections have taken their cue from Labour Minister, Membathisi Mdladlana's often made statement that "workers' rights are human rights" and that there should be no compromise to this principle especially as it furthers the International Labour Organisation's decent work agenda.

    Last edited by Dave A; 17-Jun-10 at 10:22 AM.

  4. #4
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    no comment!!!

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