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Thread: Supply

  1. #1
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    Hi guys I am new to a the forum and would like some help. I have the following scenario.
    On a farm in Cape Town they have a 3 phase supply coming in on to the meters and then to a fuse box and from there to a db in a shed. This db supply’s power to the shed on one phase and two other small houses each on its own phase and each has its own sub db.
    This is not limited to the lights but you see the effect the best, with the light on if you switch anything ells on there's a dip in power and stays like that until you switch it off. This happens in the both houses and in the shed. I have not checked anything yet and would like some fed back what could be the issue. The shed is feed from Eskom

  2. #2
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    it could be a neutral problem...loose connection...if it affect all the building i would start at the incomer meter box or main db...check all connections by pulling on the wires or check if the insulation has the same time check the voltage across all three phases to earth and neutral...then do it at the furtherest point.

    do the lights flicker randomly at any point day or night?

    new or old installation?

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    Dusty (15-Apr-10)

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    it could be a neutral problem...loose connection...if it affect all the building i would start at the incomer meter box or main db...check all connections by pulling on the wires or check if the insulation has the same time check the voltage across all three phases to earth and neutral...then do it at the furtherest point.

    do the lights flicker randomly at any point day or night?

    new or old installation?
    Hi Murdock

    No they dont flicker and it is old installation up to the fuse box and from there to the main db and sub db's about 7 years old.

  5. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Could be undersized cabling somewhere in the system also.

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