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Thread: the get rich quick formula

  1. #1
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    the get rich quick formula

    can someone please tell me the formula to get rich quick...becuase if i dont find out soon i will not be able to afford to live in this country...even as a bussiness owner already claiming for everything i can by running my bussiness from home.

    i also need to understand the formula for how tthey work out that if you take a 30 billion rand loan you can still aford to give 80 % of the population free water??? i would be interested to know what profit they will make out of that loan.

    a 28 billion rand loan take a 1 billion rand cut and make a profit of 1 million per month and give the 80 % of the population free electricity.

    my living cost in my house use to cost

    band 5200
    water 300
    electricity 300
    rates 350

    total cost 6150

    by the time the goverment is finished with all the increases they are taking about now not the future ones

    living cost

    bond 5000 dropped because of the interest rate drop
    water 5400 as per 18 times increase they are talking about
    electricity 900 by the end of all the increase because it is already gone up to 450
    rates have been increased to 980 per month since i moved in 2 years ago.

    i will not be able to afford to live in this country...unless i become a member of parliment

    the only solution

    get a list of all the companies which people in goverment are members and start buying shares in them...becuase we all know who are gona get the tenders to carry out the work for these huge loans.

    please tell me i am incorrect and show me evidence of this not gona be the case.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    i will not be able to afford to live in this country...unless i become a member of parliment
    Reading that, it occurred to me that the odds of making it to parliament are better than winning the lottery, with much the same results on current form.

  4. #4
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    now another loan...this time for the road maintence fund.

    i think they dont fix the road because they need to warrant the purchase of expensive 4x4.

    where is has all the money gone?

    what i dont understand was manual had "suplus" funds when he was minister.

    was that a load of crock just to make himself look good...why suddenly now that he isnt the finance minister all these loans???

    how much money was spent on maintence of infrastructure roads...public works since 1994???

    everyone blames appartheid for everything anyone noticed how things are falling apart during the new appartheid structure(BBEEE) biggest thing is employment figues down since the new appartheid sytem kicked in.

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