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Thread: Bad internet connections kill the joy.

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Bad internet connections kill the joy.

    I basically have two routes to the internet - ADSL during the day and HSDPA in the evenings.

    At times my ADSL gives me trouble, particularly if I'm trying to access Internet Solutions hosted sites. This seems to be due to a peering problem between Telkom ISP and Internet Solutions. However, for the most part, it's entirely workable.

    My HSDPA connection, however, is an entirely different story. To say there h been a steady decline in this service would be putting it mildly. At this point, it now approximates the extremely poor service that MyWireless became famous for about three years ago.

    In comparing the MyWireless and HSDPA browsing problems, there is a notable difference - for me the MyWireless package only promised a maximum of 128 kbps whereas HSDPA offers speeds up to 1.8 mbps. HSDPA should be substantially faster.

    Whilst on an extended trip in Gauteng, I can say that I suffered no such inconvenience up there. My lack of activity here was due to an endless series of meetings and training sessions. However, my short forays on the internet over HSDPA were short and fast.

    Now back in KZN, my attempts to make up for lost time was..... not pleasant. An hour set aside for working on this forum last night was spent fighting to get pages downloaded and uploaded - and I did not manage to get many done at all.

    Connecting to the internet should not be about a technical wrestling match. It should be about effeciently transfering information. My thoughts, which should be focused on the business of this forum, are spent on trying to figure out why my internet connection is damn near non-functional despite a 4/5 signal.

    Vodacom - you're killing the joy. And if the real problem is SAIX *cough* Telkom, for goodness sake start using that financial muscle of yours to get the problem fixed. It's getting worse, not better. And KZN connectivity is way worse than in Gauteng. Your worst is day is better than our best.

  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Have you ever considered (for comparison sake) trying out one of the other networks, just briefly, to see how it works with them? Unfortunately the only alternative for 3G/HSDPA is MTN though.

    But yes, bad internet connections DO kill the joy - it's actually quite amazing how grumpy it can make one
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    One evening a few weeks ago I tried a test of my Vodacom HSDPA vs my son's connectivity over Virgin, a maximum of EDGE capability determined by the phone. He took me to the cleaners.

    Ironically, Virgin is carried over the Vodacom infrastructure for the wireless portion, but splits after that. Indications are that the problem is not in the wireless segment, but once it gets into the allocated channels of fixed cable.

    As far as I have been able to establish and in simplistic terms, each ISP "rents" a certain amount of bandwidth over infrastructure basically administered by Telkom. Whether Telkom is giving them what they are paying for or whether some ISPs have simply not "rented" enough bandwidth is unclear.

    My point remains - I should not be having to deal with this type sh*t. It's not why I log in to the internet, but it is becoming my prime activity when I do.

  4. #4
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    My point remains - I should not be having to deal with this type sh*t. It's not why I log in to the internet, but it is becoming my prime activity when I do.
    Agreed. To take the point further - no aspect of any product should get in the way of the user achieving their goal (unless there is a good reason, but then it should be a built in "function")
    [SIGPIC]Engineer Simplicity[/SIGPIC]
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  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    And now my ADSL has died (and Vodacom HSDPA is working perfectly).

  6. #6
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    Sounds to me like you require some IT Support

    there are things about adsl that cant be explained to the normal person.... the likes of the software reductions on the Dslam ports and the difference in structure communication through the various adsl routers.

    The difference between a pots router and a Router


    This kind of problem usualy is due to a bad exchange or box on the way.... there are fibre repeaters which have been put up to extend the range of ADSL.

    Dave i have a client next door to you guys and they have no issues what so ever..... its not the exchange my friend. - Networking Forums SA partner site. Let's support each other for a better South Africa.

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Famous last words. No sooner had I posted that HSDPA was working perfectly and it crashed - dead as dodo.

    Ten minutes later ADSL working again. Did Vodacom get killed to get TelkomSA back up?

    Aaah. The mystery of it all.

  8. #8
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy_inc View Post
    Dave i have a client next door to you guys and they have no issues what so ever..... its not the exchange my friend.
    Is he on the Effingham or the Durban North exchange?
    POTS router BTW.

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    litterally 100 meters from you - Networking Forums SA partner site. Let's support each other for a better South Africa.

  10. #10
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    That's the thing. I'm on the boundary. Dbn North flies - Effingham sucks.

    At least I've narrowed down the Vodacom drop-off. Sim card just died. RIP

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