Right, this post is for those who know how to use a computer but not much else. Well you are not alone and I am hoping to inform you so that you don’t get ripped off like a lady did yesterday at the local computer store. Please note I am only going to give you the basics as I know them. If there is something missing we can talk about it just ask?
Right CPU. Now most of you know that the CPU is not the big box it is a tiny little component considered to be the heart of your computer.
Now CPUs are not cheap but it is worth getting it right:
The relatively new CPUs are the core i3 i5 i7 ranging from 2.93 GHz up to the supper powerful 4.8GT
It is recommended that you get a supporting motherboard it is also important because: a>> CPU must be compatible b>> allows you add to it as needed.
Now there are good boards on the market but here is the minimum that your board must be able to do. 3 PCI- slots or more, 1 PCI-Express expansion slot. DD3 compatibility for memory. Also ask how much RAM >> “the DDR 3 stuff” it can hold. 4GB is a good helping. The PCI is handy for adding cards so that you can watch TV on your PC or add some extra USBs to it or just a nice sound card. Also ask about USB 3.0 << new generation and if your NEW board supports it or not. Most boards have onboard graphics but it is good to know that you can upgrade it so look at the PCI-Express as a must!
Now let us talk about RAM is one of the many new specification DDR 3 1333 is entry level at the moment. <<< but it is not slow!!!) I always recommend 2GB or DD 3 or more!!! <<< More is expensive but it is worth it!!!
Now from this point if you are a gamer you want a GPU aka Graphics Card. You don’t need a top line GPU but the new specifications is full HD capability and it costs a bit more but worth it if you have a new LCD TV that is HD ready!! “It is brilliant!!!!” The NVIDIA GX260XADJL "standard Edition PCI-E has good memory and CPU core is not to bat. Will do what you want it to do for an entity level card...
Power Supply is important!!!!!! Stick with your guns on this because bigger IS better <<< I don’t care what ESKOM sais about it!!!) Don’t go lower then a 500Watt PSU unit!!!! Especially if you are considering something with more than 1 hard disk drive.
Also note that HDD aka hard disk drive is getting bigger so have a look at Blue-ray along with your DVD RW. You don’t need two RW in your computer but it IS handy So keep in mind that Blue-ray can handle 24+ GB of data and a DVD can do only 4 to 7+GB of data. Please note that Blue-ray is expensive!!!
It is important to do price hunting and know what you want. Never say it is for office use because they will give you something that is so damn weak that you will start to think your old PC was better.
Please feel free to add any information to help the everyday customer
Thanks for reading.
PS 775 is NOT NEW!!!!!!!!!
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