I put this under 'Chat' because I was hoping to avoid the usual 'Politics' storm.
Here in Slummie EL we are entering a period of water shortage and the threat of a house using 65 kilolitres paying a R4000.oo penalty is very real.
Also the new electricity pricing structure is going to be big, my electricity of R1200.ooPM will be R2400.oo within 2 more years.
We will do the Generator, PV cells and methane collection later
Lets be constructive and list all the reasonable ways we can start being less dependant on the various municipalities for our basic services, namely lights and water.
Not just throw ideas out there but can anyone put a price on it as well.
Dave can this be made into a wiki as we progress?
I'll start with:
ceiling insulation price per m2?
geyser blanket?
hot water pipe insulation?
alternatives to electric geysers 1) solar?
2) heat exchangers?
water saver shower heads?
water saver cisterns for flushing?
(yellow let it mellow, brown flush down)
gas for cooking?
hot pot for hot water for coffee instead of boiling kettle every time?
enough cups of water for the demand when you have to boil the kettle?
Lekkies help here? is it worth switching everything off at the plug not leaving appliances on standby?
insulated cooking systems?
ceiling fans instead of aircon?
cutting the bottom off soda bottles, inverting them at the base of shrubs and plants to direct a little water direct to the root system.
redirecting your grey water to the garden, what ideas?
water tanks for rain water Jo Jo approx R2 to 3000.oo each
turning down the stopcock at the meter to restrict the flow of water
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