For the last few days I have experienced a new MTN low. My number was blocked due to a technical error and no error on my behalf. This was most unexpected because this is a contract phone and I am up to date with my payments. "I never skipped a payment and was never late on a payment"
From this point onwards I have tried to get hold of someone that can help me get my phone operational again. But MTN simply doesn't give a f*ck about their customers. I have been given the run around and when I phone the help desk 173 from my pay as you go phone and then asked to be referred to the contract system where I then enter my contract phone number and hoped to be help.
My last call was placed on hold for 30minutes "documented" and they never bothered to e-mail back from there help desk. Is this the service we pay for?
I will report it to the consumer council on Monday and make my complaint official then I will terminate my contract and convert my phone back to pay as you go. Then I will change networks.
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