So Eskom got their way. Yes we know they asked for 35% but come on, no one starts a negotiation at the level they want to get. They knew that the ridicolous hike would ahve to be reduced to appease the public, so they set it at 35% probably hoping for 25%
The frustration here - is why waste the time and money of evryone with an application taht would be reviewed? I accept that certain laws are passed in our own interest. EG the majority of people will say the alchol content level is too low, but our judgement is clouded ob such an issue. or a 14 year old believing they should be allowed to smoke etc,etc. Certain alws are aimed at protecting the human being. So it is natural that every person and every business will have objected to the hike, becaues we would alll be affected, abusinessman on two levels, company and at home. So we can question objectivity. But if EVERY business body, chamber and organization and every labour movement etc,etc is saying the same thing - we accept an increase is neccessary but the level needs to be reasonable to ensure growth etc their must be a consensus that the facts are talking and not emotions or ignorance. And despite every representation and every protest against the increase level it occurred. Why do we pretend to ahve a democracy/ Why do we say our Constitution allows us to have a say and why waste our money with the farce of pretending we will listen to the people.
Now is teh time for business to make a stand. We know that labour has more power because they use the strike. Business can also strike but are too worried about the loss of money. But ask yourself if you are going to sell 500 cars in a month, will you not sell 500 cars? So if you close for a day or a half day, will your car sales not simply be spread over a different time period. Of course the all for one attitude does help.
The key question is what can the businesses stop or action that has a direct affect on ESKOM and the government. BUT surely somewhere a stand has to be made - Any ideas?![]()
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