I've got a line item on my cellphone bill that I'm pretty sure I didn't order. It falls under the content services section and reads:
Total data: 0
Access point description: Cointel
Service description: 00500@TMobileSA
Data charge: R4.38
Now I'm a relic when it comes to using my cellphone. I make the occassional phonecall and I send the occassional SMS. I also receive the occassional SMS, phonecall and (very rarely) an MMS.
I don't download ringtones. I don't send MMS's. I don't browse the internet (I've got a 3g contract for that, thanks). I haven't subscribed to any WASP service (that I know of - I've heard rumours of some sharp practice in that department).
Cointel, I see, was bought by Vodacom in 2007.
The TMobileSA website is less than informative.
So what the heck does TMobileSA do?
And any ideas as to what they might be doing on my cellphone bill?
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