Of course we all put in some overtime in the evenings and on weekends from time to time, but as a rule, do you keep normal 9-to-5 type business hours?

And how much of a difference does it make in your particular line of work?

I work from home, and often swap time in the evenings or on weekends for regular daytime hours, for a host of reasons. At the moment, for example, it's just too hot to concentrate on anything at all during the afternoon, so I try to get started really early (I'm aiming for starting to work at around 6.30am, but I'm not quite there yet), and then put in some time in the evenings as well, and do other things like errands or reading or grocery shopping in the afternoons instead.

What about you? Do you have this kind of choice? And if so, what are the benefits and disadvantages of self-imposed flexi-time?