Went to Gateway on my lunchbreak. apparently this valentines day is all about T&A, forget the chocolates. most of the stores that were doing anything valentines related had their lingerie out on display.
Went to Gateway on my lunchbreak. apparently this valentines day is all about T&A, forget the chocolates. most of the stores that were doing anything valentines related had their lingerie out on display.
Ok so what will you rather have a box of chocolates or something involving lingerie candle light and well...“I am sure you can use your imagination for the details”
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
Yeah, but stores used to be subtle. now they're just short of having girls in their underwear you can buy for an evening.
True, see as things become the norm and thanks to TV everything to do with sensuality is becoming the norm shops will get bolder in their attempts to capitalize thus the lines becomes blurry. So in a way the innocence of falling in love on Valentine’s Day is being robbed by the money hungry markets.
For me Valentine’s Day is particularly painful and I rather go fishing and spend my money on RUM until it passes.
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
Money can buy you love?
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depends on what you'd call love I guess.
Well love the absolute reason for existence. To share in someone’s life trough the good and bad times. Well not so as our living standards have changed the human race become like a bunch of male and female prostitutes moving into any bed and commit only for a view months and then it is time to move on. “It is sickening”
Commitment like love has died because of this so called freedom to be with and sleep with anyone you please without dealing with consequence. This decay of human commitment left a lasting mentality of just dropping the ball for any and every reason.
Partly you can blame the media and pornography but mostly we can blame ourselves of allowing acceptance of this type of lifestyle. What happened to restrained and commitment? These things do not exist so yes love is for sale the price is not that steep and you can get whatever you want because money made humans worthless.![]()
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
What happened to me when Valentine’s Day was over![]()
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
Never mind the sexuality of the protraid goods, to me its all become just one commercial business.
Come now, in Oct they start with Christmas deco in the retail outlets. Im surprised we haven't seen any Easter bunnies yet.
I refuse to support this commercial thing. I spend as little money as possible and at the same time ensuring that the presents are from the heart and not the pocket.
(unless its a present for myself)
Well Easter stuff is already available at our local supermarket![]()
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
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