Has anyone heard any news or been in contact with Shaun Higley (aka BBBEE_Compspec) lately? I bought his HR toolkit in November and it has yet to arrive. I've left messages via various forms and am getting no response.
Has anyone heard any news or been in contact with Shaun Higley (aka BBBEE_Compspec) lately? I bought his HR toolkit in November and it has yet to arrive. I've left messages via various forms and am getting no response.
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
I read between the lines on an earlier post that he was to undergo Chemo. I wonder if how he is doing? I hope that he's alright.
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
Reading between the lines there are a number of possibilities. I'm just trying to find out which one applies.
I've already tried phoning and direct messaging for the last few weeks.
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
Ok, Dave - fair-enough.
I do hope you get the matter sorted out. Nothing more irritating than communications that are not returned. Becomes concerning in the end.
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
Doues anybody have any of Shauns details. I have left many messages for him and he does not reply. I paid him an amount of money for him to assist me in a CCMAS case and I have heard nothing from him. I need a refund as he did nothing to assist me. He keeps switching his cell phone off whenever I try calling and I'm getting frustrated now. All I want is my money back from him. I feel like he lied to me and is a thief. Please help!!!!!!
BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
I regret, sir, we may have been defrauded.
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
I suspect this post was the one being referred to SoftDux.
Sorry to hear that Dave.
BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
The cancer/chemo stuff came up in some of the discussion along the way.
I had to post and run as I was on my way to a meeting (couldn't be late as I was the guest speaker), so pardon my very brief previous post.
This is my worst fear confirmed - someone else has been taken too. And I guess there may be more. If this is confirmed as a problem, I'm also going to have to take measures to ensure future visitors to TFSA aren't taken for a ride too.
rchetty, essentially my experience is very similar. Calls are not answered and messages aren't returned. However, the phone rings on both cell numbers I've got - and cellphones left unattended for long enough tend to have their batteries go flat. Even in the worst case scenario, (that Shaun is indeed incapacitated or worse,) I'd have expected someone to answer a call, return a call or that the phone would be switched off at some point. This has all the signs of call screening - which is not particularly encouraging.
While I haven't entirely discounted that Shaun is an honest chap who has fallen ill or worse, this seems increasingly unlikely.
As for details, I can't even assure you that Shaun Higley is his real name. A Google search comes up pretty light for a person of his claimed background.
I do, however, have a bank account number into which I paid some money. I expect it would take someone to lay a charge of fraud to see where that trail may lead (could be an interesting test of FICA). For myself, I'll be waiting to see if anyone else turns up reporting a problem before I do so. I doubt our wonderful police chaps will get very enthusiastic about pursuing one charge of fraud around a pretty small sum. However, multiple instances might get more attention.
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BBBEE_CompSpec (28-Mar-10)
Shaun visited me last year and did not strike me a dishonest person. I just hope nothing bad has happened to him .
Only stress when you can change the outcome!
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