Went to the pharmacy last week with prescription in hand.
The drug seller said, "your medical aid says you have no benefits"
'Strange seeing as this is a new year and I have the top of the range policy', says I, who then had to pay cash and move on.
So queried this and received reply on email which said "you have no benefits". No additional information just this line - no person responsible, just from the Liberty team, which appears to be an anonymous person held to ransom in the depths of a liberty building.
So I phoned the call center and the youngster on the other side said....
'that medication is not on the list'.....'what list?', I ask......no answer
'there is a safer alternative', she says.............'like what?, I ask......no answer
'Since when do you override the doctors prescription?' ...mumbled reply.
'The doctor must phone and ask us', she says.....'yeah like I can see every doctor now phoning your medical aid to get advise on a safer alternative'.
I have never had this problem before and any request to escalate the call and speak to someone intelligent resulted in just being left holding, listening to dreadful tinned music. The third time I was cut off. My emails so far have been ignored.
My medical aid, Medicover was bought out by Liberty at the end of last year and this is my first taste of Liberty Medical Scheme.
Is anybody out there on the same scheme that has anything positive to add so that I can get a warm feeling?
Has anybody has the same story?
Should I be looking at moving?
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