Pretoria - As South Africans commemorate Reconciliation Day, President Jacob Zuma says the country has a long way to go in addressing racism and xenophobia as well as other social ills.
“We still have a long way to go to rid the country of the remaining demons of racism, xenophobia and other social ills where they still rear their ugly heads,” said Zuma at Freedom Park on Wednesday.
“Let me emphasise that in this era of promoting renewal, we must promote the values of non-racialism, reconciliation and non-sexism amongst all our people, black and white,” he said.
The President said previously 16 December symbolised decades of conflict in the country but after years of democracy, the country opted for a path of reconciliation.
He said the day reminds South Africans to redouble their efforts to reach out towards one another in peace, understanding and tolerance, adding that the country has achieved a lot in the last 15-years.
Focusing on parents, Zuma said parents should teach their children positive values as enshrined in the Constitution.
“If they fail to do so, future generations will not take forward the vision of the founding fathers and mothers of a united, free, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa,” he said. - BuaNews
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