What is the CCMA and How the CCMA can help you in the South Africa. A basic guide to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is an independent, juristic body that helps to resolve disputes and offers advice and training on labour relations.
The Labour Relations Act
The Labour Relations Act applies to all employers, workers, trade unions and employers’ organisations, and aims to advance economic development, social justice, labour peace and the democracy of the workplace. It does not apply to members of the:
National Defence Force
National Intelligence Agency
South African Secret Service
What is the CCMA?
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is an independent juristic body, mainly state-funded. On its governing body are representatives from government, business and labour, each with three representatives.
The CCMA’s functions are to:
Try to resolve disputes through conciliation or arbitration
Help in forming workplace forums
Publish information on its activities and guidelines for dispute resolutions
Advise on getting legal advice
Determine dispute resolution fees, if applicable
In addition the CCMA makes rules to regulate:
The meeting procedure of its committees
Conciliation and arbitration procedures
Office hours for delivering processes
Forms to be used
How arbitration costs are calculated
And to publish these rules in the Government Gazette
Advice and Training:
The CCMA provides advice and training to workers, registered trade unions and trade union federations, employers, employers’ organisations and federations of employers’ organisations on:
Forming collective bargaining bodies
Forming and managing workplace forums
Preventing and resolving disputes and grievances
Disciplinary procedures
Workplace restructuring
Affirmative action and equal opportunity programmes
Preventing sexual harassment
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