Hi Guys.
I am sad to say, but I will be having to sell Digital Addiction very soon in order to be able to successfully continue my studies.
I have been accepted into the Accounting Honors program at UJ next year, and as such, there is just no way I can run the company.
The reason I am posting here, is I need to find a new owner for Digital Addiction but I am going to be selective with who that person is, as I do not want it to be run into the gutters.
There are 2 options I am looking at ... 1) Purchase 100% of the company from me, or 2) Purchase 50% of the company, but run full operations and I will act as a Non-Executive director i.e. not operations but strategics.
Of course, if someone purchases 100% (The preferable option), I will still be glad to assist with the strategics and getting that person alligned with the website.
If any body is interested in either of the options above or if there is an alternative arrangement you would like to consider, please PM me.
There is currently somebody interested in Purchasing Digital Addiction outright and I believe it will do good in their hands, however, experience and common knowledge dictate I should not keep all my eggs in 1 basket, and as such I am looking for other options in case they decide not to continue.
Digital Addiction will go to the first buyer I am happy with, who finalises and signs off the agreement of sale as I have until the end of December to sell it and exchange hands.
I am really sad to make this decision, more than you can believe ... however, it is time for me to concentrate on my future career as a chartered accountant.
By taking Digital Addiction, you also get the rights to the following which I have put the foundations in for:
Laptop Addiction
Gaming Addiction
Asus Shop
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