Last night at about 6pm a white Opel Astra pulled up into my driveway. My children were playing in the yard and luckily Johan was home at the time.
A gentleman got out and said that my house had been picked by the Heart Foundation. They are trying to promote healthy eating and what they do is they come into your home and cook a meal demonstrating "healthy meals" for families. Straight away I was like No thanks but he was quite insistent saying that all we have to do is give the Heart Foundation feedback on what the meals taste like. I said over and over that I was not interested and he wanted to come back later or the next day etc. This was totally suspicious to me. Who in there right mind would let a stranger into their house to cook a meal. There were other gentleman sitting in the backseat - I can't say how many because I just wanted this man to leave.
We phoned the Heart Foundation to be told that this is not true. They do not even have offices in the area and they said they would never send members around promoting in that type of manner.
We have alerted the police as well.
Please take extra precautions in talking to strangers and do not open your door for anyone. Please pass this on to all your friends and family to warn them of this new scam in our area.
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