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Thread: Prospecting by phone or email

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Prospecting by phone or email

    Prospecting by phone you have a limited amount of time to catch and engage your prospect, if this isn’t successful you haven't achieved the desired result and can be extremely frustrating.
    I am at fault too with these types of calls because I don’t always have the patience when someone is trying to sell me something

    After thinking about other ways of selling my services to prospects I thought of emailing instead… Kinda like receiving an electronic pamphlet if you will

    Forum members, is this a good approach or am I just wasting my time?
    Do you prefer the receiving calls or prefer reading about a service being offered via email?

  2. #2
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    I have found that emailing by itself is ineffective due to spam filters and people just reading casually over them.

    The best solution is to give a phone call first; you need to keep the call very short as to grab their attention, introduce yourself and the service you provide with confidants and enthusiasm. Then end the call by thanking them for their time and asking the prospective client for their email address so that you can forward your brochure to them.

    This way you speak to them, establishing a personal connection between you and the client and the client will be expecting your email, giving it more attention, rather than just receiving some random spam mail, from an unknown source.

    Wait a day or two and then make a follow up call, enquiring if they received your e-mail, this also reinforces that personal bond established by the first call and if they are not interested in your services right away you will defiantly be in consideration in the future when your services are required.

    Hope this helps

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (10-Oct-09)

  4. #3
    Email problem
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    allsorts of advise there, thank you for your post !!!

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    People are getting pretty intolerant of unsolicited emails (and that is probably understating the situation).

  6. #5
    Email problem
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    We are busy experiment with an email ad
    will let you know how did it go

    It suppose to be an very simple ad and eye catching
    it must catch your attention if you need the service otherwise just remember the company name

  7. Thanks given for this post:

    Genevie Vince (14-Oct-09)

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