I got the worst news ever today when a sales person told me that VW SA “also known as baby killers” is indeed ending the life of the little MK1. This humble little golf gave VW its reliability that we as South Africans identify as the “little matchbox”

Yes from the little sports hatch to the less powerful 1.3 these cars prove to be almost indestructible. And I love them, for everything that they are they represented the middle class individual and help made South Africa grate.

After 38 years of pure service WV South Africa now wants to murder this patriot this symbol of freedom and selflessness. All in the name of Money I really hope the CEO that gave the order dies a horrible and painful death.

The fact is there is nothing that can compare to the MK1 when it comes to value for money! It is a good car and I don’t think VW SA have a brain because they are killing there number one seller. Clearly they these people worship Satan and drink baby blood because no normal human will ever allow the MK1 to die. Well that is what you get when you put a heartless money sucking asshole in charge of productions.

I hope someone drown him in urine. Well I will never look at a VW again because they have no more soul no more real feeling for the young individual. I bet you VW will be so bloody expensive that you will be tempted to consider walking for the rest of your life.

But that is the reason behind the death of the MK1. VW no longer wants to be considered as a middleclass vehicle. But I think they will see the error of their ways when there company is bank robbed and dismantled! In fact I hope who ever made this decision gets swine-flu the deadly kind or a cross breed of swine-flu and Ebola with gastro.

In the end VW sold out... I always thought that VW is for the people now we know that VW is against the people. They hate the middleclass. Rather rebrand yourself to slime balls or something more fitting. In my eyes VW is dead.

So VW thanks for messing up the future. I can think of a million more vulgar words to call you but you are not worth my time anymore.