I want to put a question out there to fellow Amway distributors.
Do the following quotes sound familiar to you with regards to getting prospects and leads? Are these the type of sentences that your up line repeats to you over and over again? And most importantly, be honest, how many of them actually work?
- "First you have to make a list of everyone you know, and pass your opportunity by them when you get the chance"..... "Just go over your list again and check that you haven't missed anybody".
(What you may be taught is to check peoples interest in you business opportunity. The term generally used, is a Quality Interview which checks a prospects interest, if their interest is at a certain level, you would TRY to get them to come along to a workshop/seminar and most of the time there is some kind of excuse for them to never turn up) Does this outcome and advice sound familiar to you at all?
-"Just keep trying, you will come across someone sooner or later who wants to sign up underneath you".
(Where in actual fact everybody puts up their shields each time you try to recruit them and you never come across that someone, well, maybe except for those 'prospects' who are sick and tired of your harassment and decide to give in to you just to get you off their back)
-"You should commit yourself to come to the weekly meetings/workshops/seminars whether you have prospects or not, you may learn something from the speaker".
(The truth is, is that you don't really care how many people the guest speaker is signing up each month, or if he/she is an Emerald or Diamond, (well you kind of do, because thats where everyone wants to be), but what YOU want to know is how they are doing it and how they are getting these numbers each month. But nobody seems to know the real truth behind it. All you are told are the same old recruiting methods and techniques which are not working.)
After reading the above three quotes, do any of them ring bells in the back of your head, or do you find yourself agreeing with any of them at all?
Please let me know your view because I may be able to help the frustrated mlmers out there. I used to listen to what my up line was saying but instead I have changed my entire approach, and it is working.
Looking forward to hearing your replies,
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