Anyway, last month we discussed the need for a SMAERTO as the core entity in the drive to manage online communications and then decided that we’d get stuck into BRM in this issue as the first step. BRM? Brand Reputation Management. It should be self explanatory, but essentially, we are going to try to search for any content online that influences perception with regard to our brand, service or product. Then, we will monitor, analyse and only then engage these instances or references before reporting back to the organisation. In some instances, if there is uncertainty, reporting back on issues should be the course of action taken before engaging. Remember, that there are many who’ve elected not to engage for fear of making things worse as there is a strong possibility that responding incorrectly will make things worse. Although I believe that not doing anything is about the worst thing you can do, I would advise proceeding with great caution. There are rules or guidelines to consider before engaging, which we will cover later.
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