It's human nature to want to pay as little as possible and earn as much as we can, so I'm really not any different to the next guy. I want the best quality toys for the kids but want to pay Hong Kong prices, and the same goes for just about anything else.
Having just moved to the coast some 6 months ago, we have a regular flow of contractors doing all sorts of small jobs around the property - builders, tiling, etc, etc. As usual, we shop around for the best quality / price ratio that we want - or as I have learned down here - shop with the guy who actually bother to pitch to inspect the requirements and supply a quote. But that's a completely different story all together.
My observation for this post is to do with labourers wages.
What do you consider a fair wage for a general labourer ?
The going rate in this area seems to be around R100 per day. If the worker has any level of skills applicable to the work being done, then up to about R130 per day ( for the sake of perspective, that's about what we earn in 45 minutes ) .
Well, I recently started doing some small building projects around the house - short retaining wall, small foundations, brick cupboard for the braai stuff, add an under paving drain pipe outside, etc, etc.
Have you ever tried to do this ? The retaining wall foundations took 2 barrow loads of concrete and another 6 loads for the next small project.
Excuse the french, but this shit's darn heavy !!!!
My whole body ached for a few days, but I was proud I got the first stage completed.
Then came the "Murphy's Law" call to say family were going to "pop in" in 3 days time. 3 days !!!! I need about 3 months to complete what I started at this rate.
Time to call in the cavalry - got hold of the labourer from one of the contractors we had used ( with the contractors blessing ) and this guy did, what took me 3 days, in 1 day flat !! And for R130 for the day.
Now I have to tell you, that only after you've actually physically mixed 8 barrow loads of concrete, do you suddenly have a lot more respect for the labourers.
Yes, money's tight all round, but for the amount of effort and perseverence he gave, I think that I can do a lot better than R130 for the day - he can expect a sizable bonus when we complete the last of the projects over the next few days.
Why am I telling you this -- hopefully, if you're an employer of any kind, you'll take a look around your place and suddenly recognise the amount of effort that some poorly paid "under the radar" employee is making just to put food on the table for some of the family - ( I think on the wages they earn, they probably have to take turns for a decent meal ).
If you don't think you need to look around, I suggest you start with mixing 2 barrow loads of cement - a good eye opener.
Yes, I am a capitalist, but I am also human ( recently slightly softened, even if it took a few aching back muscles, sore fingers, grit between the toes and the cheeks, and dust in the eyes ).
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