TFSA tends to be a bit quiet on the weekends. Given the success of the Friday Funnies, I thought it might be an idea to start a new series, Weekend news picks, as a reason to stop by and do a little cruising.
Follow the stories you want, leave what you're not interested in, post your own top stories and of course feel free to add your comments.
So to kick off:
Barry Tannenbaum's Ponzi scheme
The long process of unwinding Barry Tannenbaum's Ponzi scheme has moved a steep forward with some more assets being frozen. Maybe investors/victims might get some of their money back one day.
Municipal workers strike
It looks like the municipal workers strike is over - by the looks of things on much the same terms as was on the table a week ago. Did they really need to take a week off? And did they really need to trash the streets? To my mind the only winner in the strike was the trade unions, not the workers, not the unemployed and certainly not the citizens who are going to end up footing the bill.
Media freedom
Only some media was allowed to follow Jacob Zuma around on his tour of Durban's new Moses Mabhida stadium, and the rest of the media circus is not happy about this preferential treatment. However, claims that this is a form of censorship seems to be going a bit far.
Economic recovery
South Africa had a trade surplus again this month.We'll get out of this recession one day.
Dirty laundry
Oilgate isn't dead and buried yet. Now we need to see if our "new broom" regime is prepared to haul this muck out from under the carpet.
International internet
The extradition story on hacker Gary McKinnon from Britian to the USA shows how the internet poses some complex jurisdiction issues. Should the USA have been required to prosecute Gary (a British citizen) in a trial held in Britain under British law?
That's what piqued my interest. How about you?
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