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Thread: Healthcare Document

  1. #1
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    Healthcare Document

    According to an ANC document released on Friday, which sketches the outlines the system, those who could afford to pay for healthcare would subside those who couldn't — what it called "social solidarity".
    The document had been approved by the party's health and education sub-committee and would be sent on to the national executive committee.
    Healthcare for everyone
    Among the proposals contained in the report were that anyone would be able to attend a private or public hospital without having to pay; public health funding and medical aid contributions would go into a pool from which the government would allocate money to doctors, clinics and hospitals.
    Tax rebates for medical aid contributions would be abolished, workers earning more than a set amount and employers would have to make contributions to an NHI fund and there would be a cap on what doctors or hospitals could claim from the fund for services rendered, the report continued.
    Sefularo said the existing health department would not be able to cope with the project without "deep and radical" overhaul.
    The ANC's report also acknowledged that service in the public health sector declined over the past 15 years.
    "In many areas, access has increased but quality has deteriorated. There are also many public hospitals which experience management failure related to the employment of incompetent managers," it read.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    There's a strong socialist agenda running at the moment. Goodness only knows where they expect the money to come from. Especially in view of this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne View Post
    There are also many public hospitals which experience management failure related to the employment of incompetent managers
    That observation has become something of a common theme on government service departments of late. I suppose it's at least an acknowledgement of the problems that the ANC cadre deployment policy has caused, but saying it is one thing - fixing it is another.

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