Hi guys,
I have a question to all our search engine specialists here. Following situation: I am advertising my website through Facebook, Google AdWords and now also on Anan**.
Google and Facebook delivered good results for me, immediate action the moment my ads went live. Then recently I got a call from A***** asking me if I am interested to buy some keywords exclusively, those search queries will then show a nice banner on top of the site. I was thinking about it and asked them for a report of the specific keywords. And this showed the following: (apparently from month June, my business is rather a summer thing though).
keyword 1: 1800 (Google SA: 720)
keyword 2: 1650 (Google SA: 28, Google UK: 1300, Google Global: 3600)
keyword 3: 1700 (Google SA: 22)
keyword 4: 1600 (Google SA: 590)
keyword 5: 1400 (Google SA: Not enough data, Google Unites States: Not enough data, Google global: 28)
Total: 8150 (Google SA: 1360)
First of all it looks very unrealistic to me that this search engine has so many more search queries than Google South Africa, especially keyword 2, A***** has almost 50% of the global google search queries? Hm...
And here comes my problem. When I turn Google AdWords on I get results almost immediately, when I pause it, it stops. Same on Facebook. But on A*****? 8150 search queries of my exclusive keywords last month, equals 263 a day. You don't have to be the smartest to figure out that I should have 263 impressions of my banner average a day. But what I DO have is: ZERO, NADA, NIENTE, absolutely nothing. I did not have one single impression within 48 hours. So can please anyone tell me if I am wrong to say that this kind of online advertising does not need any lead time. Go live, get results. They are trying to tell me that it takes a while to show results because my banner is new. I am sorry but I have trouble believing this. Google AdWords doesn't need and lead time either. So please correct my if I'm mistaken, but I feel there is something not kosher and I should get out of this 12 months contract immediately.
If anyone is interested in knowing the keywords I can send it in a private message.
Can't wait to read your opinions about this.
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