I got a phone call yesterday - some crowd claiming to be authorised TV licence fee collectors for the SABC. Thinking about it now, I suspect it might be a scam.
The lass claimed I owed R2500 odd in licence fees. Now I know full well we're paid up. Not only did I buy a TV recently where the fact that we had a valid TV licence was confirmed by the store, but my wife chewed my ear off about leaving paying it up to the last moment. To the point where she rushed off and paid it (maybe subliminally that was my strategy anyway).
Anyhow, bottom line, I know we're paid up. So I told the lass to send me a notice as to how this money due was made up. "Certainly" she says, promising to send a fax straight away.
Well, it's 24 hours later and still no fax. And that got me thinking - why were they phoning me anyway? The TV licence has always been in my wife's name with all her details.
Sounds like the makings of a sweet scam. Just call people at random, please pay into account blah blah with reference such and such. Has anyone else had an experience like this?
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