New wage increase for taxi employees
24 June 2009
The government has increased the minimum wages for the taxi sector as from next month 1 July 2009, the Department of Labour announced today. Department spokesperson Page Boikanyo said the increase was based on the CPIX plus two percent as it was published in the taxi amendment of July 2008.
“The monthly rate for taxi drivers and administration workers will increase from R1740.53 to R1933.72 per month, while for rank marshals will increase from R1392.42 to R1546.97; the wages for other workers not specified elsewhere will increase from R1218.38 to R1353.62. The boarding allowance will also increase from R220.00 to R240.02,” he said.
For any further information affected stakeholders can visit the department’s website on Please note that the Statistics of South Africa has replaced CPIX with CPI excluding owner’s equivalent rent.
Table 1: Minimum wages for employees in the taxi sector
Minimum rate for the period
1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010
Monthly: R1 933,72
Weekly: R446,27
Hourly: R9,29
Admin workers
Monthly: R1 933,72
Weekly: R446,27
Hourly: R9,29
Rank marshals
Monthly: R1 546,97
Weekly: R357,02
Hourly: R7,43
Workers not elsewhere specified
Monthly: R1 353,62
Weekly: R312,39
Hourly: R6,50
The CPIX rate used to calculate the minimum wage increase applicable from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 is the rate that was available six weeks prior to the increase becoming effective, which is the March 2009 CPI (excluding owners equivalent rent) rate of 9,10% percent plus 2%. The minimum wage increase will therefore increase by 11,10%.
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