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Thread: Effective influence

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Effective influence

    Here is an interesting story to set up my point.
    African National Congress (ANC) secretary general Gwede Mantashe warned trade unions on Thursday against public attempts to push the government to give in to demands.

    "You are projecting the [President Jacob] Zuma leadership as weak and indebted to various constituencies," Mantashe told a National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) congress in Johannesburg.

    Some trade unions were creating the impression that "the ANC must react instinctively to demands", said Mantashe.

    He cited a protest by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) to the South African Reserve Bank offices in Pretoria on Wednesday as an example.

    "I am not sure the Numsa march was helpful," said Mantashe.

    Mantashe said the Reserve Bank would not want to be perceived as having buckled under pressure from unions if it decided to drop rates.

    "It is not a household tactic to march because you are actually pushing them not to drop rates," said Mantashe.
    full story from M&G here
    The best means to getting the right result is not always brute force. In fact the more subtle, nuanced and co-operative approaches can be far more effective.

    I'm really starting to like Gwede Mantashe.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Quite a few years back I sat next to the Rev Frank Chikane in a Boardroom just after he had been made the CEO of the South African Housing Trust.

    The biggest problem facing the Housing Trust then, was the Bad Debt problem created as a result of the Non payment culture and the rent boycotts. So there he sat with glum face - 'whats the problem?.......'well you see, it's quite ironic' he said, 'I was the one who started the rent boycotts and now I have to fix the problem and I do not know how'.

    So reading what Mantashe has to say....makes me wonder who started what here?

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    Dave A (29-May-09)

  4. #3
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    Don’t start something if you cannot finish it... This rings true throughout the ANC. Empty promises and self-inflicted problems are common place in there illustrious territory. However perhaps now they will learn that every action has consequence...

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