I see the legislation for the new COC process is in effect from 1 May.
Basically the major change is that a newly sold property, the COC should not be more than 2 years old (originally this was vague and people could use a 5 or 10 year old COC provided no electrical change had been made in the 5 years) Very easy for earth leakage/trip switch etc to be faulty in that period but as long as the COC was good, all was good.
Good news for the electrical industry as it will increase business, marginally i suppose as most sold properties get a new COC any way, but should still increase.
What is interesting all about the whole thing, is that this great little piece of legislation was done Dept of Labour. Apparently very badly written (assumptions are being made to its actual meaning) but more so, what does have Dept of Labour have to do with peoples property rights, and secondly what do they have to do with peoples safety (outside of labour) that the COC is designed to protect??
The theory of course - dept of labour, increase in work for industry
Also what stands out is why is a COC ONLY renewable when property is sold. If you own your house for 10 years, then it is considered fine to have a 10 year old certificate, but when you sell it is required to be updated. What makes the original owner of the property immune to electrocution over the new owner? Why only protect the new owner, not the old??
Another great piece of government leg. well thought out....![]()
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