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Thread: Vista sucks forum

  1. #1
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Vista sucks forum

    My Toshiba laptop, that I raved about in the past died this past easter weekend. It did not come back to life. Only two years old and out on the erubbish goods pile already

    I was reminded while shopping around for a new one, that I need to have a machine that has vista business on board for networking and server stuff. The choices are few off the shelf unless one wants to spend another R3k on upgrades for this option.

    So made a selection brought it home and tried for two days to get my new machine looking like the old one. Much frustration and cursing.

    So then thought....mmmm....forgot about the 'downgrade' to XP option. So reformatted and started again - with xp on board.

    A few hours later my machine looks like the old one - runs like a dream for all my software and I haven't had one argument with it yet.

    I have battled with vista for the past two years, unable to use the xp option because Toshiba machines are only set to take vista os. It become like a tamed dragon where you operate in an unconscious way manoeuvring and manipulating every day to get it right, not thinking that there must be a better way.

    I have been freed to do some real work now....hasta la Vista Meester Gates.
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  2. #2
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Now this thread is going to be popular!

    Now lets see where to start... oh so many options.. get my list
    My icons deleted, no done that... my Outlook not working on Vista... no to long, constantly choosing it's own network, even though hours go into correctly setting up manuals and autos and order... memory issues... kids cant run half there games... run as XP has NEVER worked once...

    In a nutshell my Vista cost me a fortune in new or upgraded software..

    Tired now... going to find something positive.. Nice move downgrading! Back it up now to DVD. I lost my downgrade option (which i originally got with the machine) when i crashed my machine to a virus. Wanted me to pay for it!!

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  3. #3
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    guess I did the intelligent thing and went ultimate. I've only had a few games give me hassles, but that was mainly my own fault. the rest, from office all the way to the built in speech recognition, has been fine. and XP is still under widows, so you're still paying him

  4. #4
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    Ah yes dare we say that Vista the all new all powerful OS from MS is actually being programmed by demons down under in the never-worlds of fire and brimstone? Yes we are because it is really that bad... Vista was originally designed for the supper rich in mind. Knowing that half of your software would be incompatible was part of the plan to force the user to upgrade to new programs so that to become a real world scenario. In all Vista is unforgiving and it eats your GPU, CPU, RAM and HDD so why is it being forced down to the end user?

    That fact is Win XP is gold once you get to run it properly there is really nothing wrong with it. Still we end up with Vista so you learn how to use the monster. Slowly disabling processes, security measures and painfully downloading all the updates eating your 3g bundle as it just gorge itself. Then you turn of the update system and by cleverly rewriting the registry you keep it off. Now after a few blue-screen and a few reinstallations you get the Vista monster to obey you and accept you as its master!

    You upgrade your software and once all of this is done... You found that you made a deal with the Vista devil that stares at you with its pretty face. Yes it did was programmed by demons and brought to life by clever marketing campaigns but it is not evil.

    Once you get to know the beast for what it is and realize that you can change its nature by taking the time to Google and read you will find a tame piece of code that is willing to accept you as its master.

  5. #5
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Insulin i must say that you writing often puts a smile... it's never dull and always got a story of reference - the devil done vista... like that!

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  7. #6
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    @ Twinscythe .... I like your understanding of the Vista OS.

    Ok we criticised XP...but used it...then Vista...but used it....only thing is...we will even criticise Win 7 for needing even more may ask "what's next"..."what's the ultimate goal?"...but use it....and finally our own chips....and be engulfed by it....yes...Satan....You gotta love him!!!(sarcasm)

    In order for us all to behave civil...under these circumstances...we should actually create a thread called "Vista Rocks"...and tell flesh how great it is compared to the archaic XP that needs hardly any resources to run it's pathetic appearing self as we continue into a future we claim not to have known about nor prepared for or are disappointed with concerning the escalation in resource usage and costs involved...lmao....

    Oh well...had 64bit Ultimate for 2 years...not a single expected...

    My condolences to all the XP fans & peeps that were disappointed by Vista...WTF???


  8. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I still lean towards the theory that the systematic urge to re-invent MS operating systems is to drive software sales. Could the benefits of Vista over XP, such as they are, not be achieved by upgrading the XP platform? - or at least without rendering so much other software redundant?

  9. #8
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    The truth is Dave... it was... Once you get to know Vista it really does bring a lot of toys to the table and some old software may prohibit it from functioning correctly. I myself is a Die Hard XP fan but that is because I know it intimately.

    Vista on the other hand is new to me however I sat with it nurtured it and allow it to show me what it is capable of and it is a powerful OS and dare I say it... a stable platform.

    But you really need to learn its secrets and let me tell you Vista’s functionality is scary once you fully understand it. I don’t know... I still remember when we had to use Policy editor on windows 98 to get is security up and running.

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  11. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Yeah! Just one of my more cynical moments maybe.

    That and a frustration with the transition compatability issues that come with these changes.

  12. #10
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    I never said Vista was easy... and you can do a compatibility check “Google it” before you install Vista. Secondly I will not help a single person with Vista problems because they need to “Google it” and learn through trial and error. Yes I will help them if the problem is a bit nasty. The reason is that if you learn the hard-way you will get to know it better because the user must take an active interest in Vista. Spoon feeding is over because Vista is powerful and the user need to know how to use it properly otherwise they will have so much trouble with it that they might as well downgrade back to XP... It is time to learn... I am learning new things about Vista every-day and when the money is right I will do an advance course in Vista because this thing has a nuclear powered code driving it.

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