One of my staff got a ticket for worn tyres whilst travelling this Easter weekend past.

I'll concede the one tyre has worn right on the shoulder - less than 1cm wide on the shoulder of the tread is about 1.5mm deep. But the rest is 2.5mm minimum and there is no section of tread on the other tyre where the tread is less than 2.5mm deep. I know because the driver brought the vehicle to me on Thursday afternoon and we measured the tread. We had actually decided to replace the front tyres upon his return from the trip!

Obviously my driver tends to corner aggressively when making right hand turns...

The fine is R100 per offending tyre. Apparently the issuing traffic officer used no equipment to measure the depth of the tread, and in fact the fine does not state the depth of the tread for the tyres in question. But that isn't what bugs me.

The one tyre I could accept. Fining the second tyre is highway robbery. But to contest the charge I'd have to make a return trip of over 200km.

And I suspect that highway bandit in uniform knows it.