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Thread: Your own name or an alias.

  1. #1
    Bronze Member
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    Exclamation Your own name or an alias.

    I've been looking at starting a blog and having a domain name with my real name. I have had quite a few people say this isn't a good idea. Some think my name may get abused or used for fraudulent activity. Others suggest that famous actors don't use their real name, because their real names aren't the easiest to remember or spell, and an alias will help remembrance.

    My reason lies in the point for my blog. I want to generate some positive PR for myself, and if a web creation goes big then i want somewhere where the path is documented. Also posting interesting articles and helpful hints for hosting, design and marketing ideas.

    What do you folks think? Is it valuable or am I vulnerable using my real name.
    once there was a man. the end.

  2. #2
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3x-a-d3-u5 View Post
    I've been looking at starting a blog and having a domain name with my real name. ....

    What do you folks think? Is it valuable or am I vulnerable using my real name.
    3X use your real name especially for business I wouldn't like to business with an alias.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

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    3x-a-d3-u5 (18-Mar-09)

  4. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I don't know about the abuse and fraud angles. We're all pretty vulnerable to that anyway.

    Interesting question though. It's Burger King vs McDonalds; product association vs product unrelated name. Which is better?

    Personally I'd lean towards something that associates with the product, but at the end of the day it is really about establishing a recognisable brand name.

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    3x-a-d3-u5 (18-Mar-09)

  6. #4
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    Cool A website needs to reflect

    A website needs to reflect your standpoints interest and feelings about something.

    So do what the newspapers do. Make it “The Alias” and write under your first name only with some sort of g-mail, yahoo e-mail attach to it. This will help you with reference and you can benefit from both sides.

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    3x-a-d3-u5 (18-Mar-09)

  8. #5
    Bronze Member
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    I have moved to continue the discussion here: I hope you don't mind. Wanted less Search engine coverage on my name

    Thanks for the responses. I wanted to use my own name in the domain name. However i could use another name for the domain name and use my name as the admin so each post appears written by "P... K.........".

    (Real name in group so go join )
    once there was a man. the end.

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