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Thread: Be in control of your own money!

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Be in control of your own money!

    Hi to everybody out there! Some Info - The best return on your investment through the general Banking Institutions and /or Brokers would give you around 10% p/a minus banking charges and broker commissions. Yet, they make millions. How do they do that? They use YOUR money because they control your investment and not YOU!
    It is now possible for you to be in control of your own investments and get the returns that you deserve. We will show you through our system that you can make between 25 and 40% return within the first six months! (Guaranteed)

    Make contact with me for more information

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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    No clues?

    Shares, IPO, Forex trading, pyramid scheme?

    Hands up everyone who doesn't want to make money!
    Point is, not everyone wants to go about it the same way.

    So some sort of idea as to what you are suggesting would be mighty handy, please.

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    No clues?

    Shares, IPO, Forex trading, pyramid scheme?

    Hands up everyone who doesn't want to make money!
    Point is, not everyone wants to go about it the same way.

    So some sort of idea as to what you are suggesting would be mighty handy, please.
    Hi Dave, thx for the response..
    The clues,
    Where do these institutions take your money? To the JSE.
    They use your money to trade on the JSE, generating huge profits (250% +) and giving you +- 10%. Our system, the only one approved by the JSE, let you trade on the JSE and thus be in control of your own investment.
    How? Most people don't know. Knowledge, Risk and Time. But how do I go about it?
    Through our proven system, by illiminating these fears, we will give you the guidance and 24/7 support to achieve the profits these institutions are making. Before 1994, only the rich could open and Exchange Account. Since then one can open an Exchange Account with as little as R500.00. Most importantly, YOU are in control of your own money. With what these institutions offer, compared to the current consumers inflation rate (21.6%), you are going backwards instead of moving forward.

    You will be given, forced by the JSE, a 6 month's simulation period starting with Monopoly money to familiarise yourself with the Exchange until you are confident to trade live. We guarantee a profit of 25-40% in these six months. Each individual's financial status is unique, thus, a one on one consultation is required.

    I trust that this meets to your satisfaction.

    Kind regards

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    Dave A (16-Mar-09)

  5. #4
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    And I am guessing that your company makes its money off of brokerage fees?
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  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    OK. So when you talk about banking institutions in the first post, you're actually talking about investment fund managers. Fair comment if you have the time and skill to invest directly.

    Like Duncan then, your particular interest in our success at this would be?

  7. #6
    Email problem
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    Quote Originally Posted by duncan drennan View Post
    And I am guessing that your company makes its money off of brokerage fees?
    Hi Duncan, we are not brokers. We only supply you with the system and ongoing support and guidence that enables you to trade online on your PC as well as on your Mobile. You still have to trade through a JSE Stock Broker and their costs are +- 3%. During consultation the Support function and it's benifits will be explaned.


  8. #7
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    A once off charge then? Upfront? Does that vary person to person or is it fixed?

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  9. #8
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natie Groenewald View Post
    Our system, the only one approved by the JSE
    I would really like to know which system this is ??

    As a JSE registered data vendor ourselves ( with direct links and access to the JSE mainframe for daily data ), we have sometimes asked the JSE if they would "approve" various software applications, technical analysis packages, training material, etc.

    Their response has always been a definite "NO" as they refuse to approve or accredit products and services over which they have no direct control.

    Quote Originally Posted by Natie Groenewald View Post
    you can make between 25 and 40% return within the first six months! (Guaranteed)
    "CAN" -- so you guarantee that we "can" make x%, not guarantee that we WILL make x% ?

    I have been in the Stock Market Software business for over 10 years and I can assure you that there is no system out there that can make this absolute fail-safe guarantee. This simply sounds too good to be true .....

    Of course, I would be happy to use Natie's sponsored initial capital to test the system. Naturally, if there's a guarantee, then there is no way that Natie's cash would be at risk.

    Jokes aside, I suggest EXTREME CAUTION when claims are advertised like this.

    BTW : online trading systems are available for free from Standard Bank, FNB, Global Trader, etc, etc. Yes, a brokerage fee of some kind will be levied per transaction, but the system is free.
    Last edited by daveob; 16-Mar-09 at 10:05 PM.
    Watching the ships passing by.

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    IanF (17-Mar-09)

  11. #9
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daveob View Post
    Jokes aside, I suggest EXTREME CAUTION when claims are advertised like this.
    Thanks for the warning I always ask if it is foolproof why don't you keep the system to yourself and corner the market, at the high returns it won't take long to build up a good capital base. But then I am a cynic.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  12. #10
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    I know there was a CD, not sure if it was an app or training etc, doing the rounds a couple years ago at R10 000 a pop and came with a very cleverly worded "guarantee".

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