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Thread: Earth hour

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Earth hour

    What will you be doing on 28th March 2009 at 8.30p.m.?

    Earth Hour looks like it's going to be a biggie.

    My only concern is if it gets too big, there better be someone paying close attention to the electrical supply being generated. A big timed switch-off might mean there isn't anything there when it comes time to switch on again!

  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Holy crap! Eskom is taking part in Earth Hour....

    Meanwhile, the utility stated on Wednesday that it would be taking part in the worldwide Earth Hour climate change awareness programme during the evening of March 28.

    Dr Steve Lennon, MD corporate services and Eskom climate change champion, said that the national “switch-off” event would be a tangible way of demonstrating Eskom’s solidarity and support for the Earth Hour global awareness campaign, designed to stimulate awareness about global warming.

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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    At least with it being a Saturday night demand is relatively low anyway. So hopefully this won't result in a "big fry" somewhere.

    Next thing - Bearing in mind the goal is to bring attention to climate change, are we all going to burn candles instead?

  4. #4
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Next thing - Bearing in mind the goal is to bring attention to climate change, are we all going to burn candles instead?
    Much better to stay in the dark and feel your way around.
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    Ah yes the environment and total darkness.

    Been looking forward to this one! I got a brand new LED flashlight that will last for 20 hours. So darkness be ware. I also took the liberty and made sure I have a lot of these nice new LED lamps for when the power doesn’t come back on again....

    I got my t-bone stake and my gas-powered stove. Also let us not forget my generator that will keep my drinks nice and cool as well. So earth day is not a match for me! I will have light and it will not be harmless candle light Oh no... It will be a petrol driven behemoth that is growling away! It will give of toxic fumes and it will pollute my beautiful garden. But never mind that! It is earth day!!! It is going to create awareness that we need to conserve energy...

    Rather This, I know and have done a study on many power systems that can provide large amounts of power for all time really... But no! Butting a working model at every school is not creating awareness. No! Eskom would rather lose millions on Megawatts per hour then to spend a few million on these technologies to show our children how these strange echo generators from the future will look like and work. Never mind the fact that these systems can pump power back into the grid... No total darkness that will get their attentions! That will teach us!

    Look if kids saw their schools to be the only working buildings when the power goes that night it would have made them more aware of the technology than anything else. I think it would have worked better than just total darkness don’t you think?

    The fact is I want the environment saved really I do... If I look at the mines eating mother earth like a virus I feel the need to stop that... I do want to stop that... But the only way to stop that is to realize that a echo friendly power-plant is a must. We need to see these things work. Not on television no... Something you can touch and feel and study with the eye...

  6. #6
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    You know i think the whole "earth day" concept is really going to make some impact - for a change! The last few days i have put some serious thought into planet issues (not going to share them cause i will get castrated on here) . Just so sad that it always boils back to economy/money/selfishness etc (equally myself!). I understand that we need to do so much, more than we think is enough, but can you imagine your estate agent rocking up a bicycle How do you really find a SOLID solution for a planet that will eventually fail. The small things, recycle, energy globes etc etc, great start, but that it.. just a start. It has to be extreme to work! Population also has to become negative growth... wow i could ramble on.. but whats big enough to actually work - or more so, that we would accept... sadly i dont think anything

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  7. #7
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    At least with it being a Saturday night demand is relatively low anyway. So hopefully this won't result in a "big fry" somewhere.

    Next thing - Bearing in mind the goal is to bring attention to climate change, are we all going to burn candles instead?
    that'll be more likely why they're participating in it... to avoid collosal damage

    and I'm glad my gaming won't be disturbed. PSP for the win

  8. #8
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by garthu View Post
    Population also has to become negative growth...
    That, to me, is the real problem at the bottom of a lot of issues - just too many people! It's not sustainable.

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    Perhaps in time we will find the next generation of power. Still there is a more sinister hand at work. This hand is planning on a 70% drop in human population within our lifetime. The tools that will be used or so I am told is starvation, war, and illness. Sounds like a really bad movie right. Well within this year it will be clearer if the stories that I have will ring true, for now I will stay sceptical. See if you can find a short film called Esoteric Agenda, and just watch it. Yes they do attack a lot of things so watch it with an open mind. After all you can make up your own mind in the end of the story.

    All I will add is that I don’t agree with everything but some things is documented fact.

  10. #10
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    That, to me, is the real problem at the bottom of a lot of issues - just too many people! It's not sustainable.
    I've been trying to convince people to stop having sex, but I haven't had a very good response so far - I just can't figure out why
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