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Thread: Be Motivated Today

  1. #1
    Email problem pietpetoors's Avatar
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    Be Motivated Today

    There are many MLM companies in South Africa.

    I have been involved in many of them over the years. I joined various companies in different price ranges. There were even the ones that cost met R30,000 to join and you could earn massive commissions. But to attract that profile of co-networkers is not easy.

    To me the success in MLM is when i can see that others also succeed. Over the years I have seen that the smaller more affordable networks performs better in that sense than the big expensive ones. With the more affordable networks there are more people who become profitable than with the more expensive ones.

    At the moment my favorite MLM in this category is BeMotivatedToday.
    As product you get an eBook which shows you how to make money on the Internet and you also receive daily motivational emails. These emails are short but very powerful. Because it is so short you actually get time to read it.

    Zig Ziglar said "Motivation does not last, but so does bathing, that is why you have to do it every day"

    The BeMotivatedToday system does almost everything for you. All you have to do is drive traffic to your web page which you get when you join.

    At only R45 per month you will agree that it is THE most affordable online business available in South Africa today. What is more is that with only 8 active personal referrals you will break even.

    You can also sign up for a 9 day free trial.

    Have a look at
    Only Dead Fish go with the Flow

  2. #2
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    A Passive Income System That Actually Works…UNBELIEVABLE!!!

    I’ve become what you might call the greatest skeptic when it comes to passive income opportunities. I’ve been burned so many times it’s embarrassing. For the past 6 years I’ve been trying numerous so called passive income (MLM) systems all of which promises huge financial returns with very little work and effort. A lot of these systems I tried were complete scams and the ones that weren’t scams from which I actually earned some money from required me to put in more hours than there are in a day, and the amount of money is not in any way worth the effort and time. Even if the money earned was thousands of Rands, after all that work and effort you just to exhausted to enjoy the financial profits …MADNESS!!! How can they call it a passive income when there’s so much work involved. Anyway, what I realized is that there's no such thing as get rich quick…unless you win the lotto that is lol. Don’t get me wrong there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are a few systems that actually gives you what they promise, you just need to know what to look for, so that you can distinguish between those countless scams and the few legitimate systems that really does work, without leaving you exhausted. Speaking of which, recently I came across a system which claimed to generate a passive income with no risk and very little work.... Yeah, right! Rather skeptically I tried it, and the results took me by surprise. They were telling the truth. When I saw the system actually working, I knew I'd found something special. I was also reassured when I discovered that they are physically situated in South Africa and that they're also registered with the Department of Trade & Industry. Sorry to ramble on a bit, but they've really got me excited. Now that I have an answer to the high cost of living, I just had to share it with someone. By registering you get a free trial within this time it will be proven to you that the system really does work , and believe me, this coming from the greatest skeptic the system does really work So, if you're interested in having a new recurring income without recurring work, Visit:

    Also this opportunity is fairly new and has not yet gone international. For those who have any experience in these types of systems should immediately realize the unmeasurable potential this system would offer those singing up now. So don’t waste anymore time Register for free at:

  3. #3
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    Be Motivated Today????

    I was wondering how long before I saw another post for this MLM on here.

    I have looked into this model and I question its validity more than most other MLM's.
    Come on 45 Rand a month for a daily motivational email. That I could google and get for nothing. But there is the offer on discounts for ebooks.
    After going through all the material I must admit it screams dodgy.
    Almost no work needed.
    Daily motivational emails.
    You do very little and we will send out mails and get people to join.
    O and the 45 Rand thing. Forget about it.
    If you really want to make money in this you have to sing up for the +-R400 option.

    Might as well do the insurance MLM, at least that seems far more logical for the cost.

    There is no real product here. Besides for the feeling of apparent motivation from the emails. Can feelings be a product???
    I believe this system exploits people that really need to be motivated. And in these days I think we could all do with a good morning "pep" talk. But seriously.
    If I am wrong I am open to hearing your opinions and maybe even your experiences.
    However I am doubtful.

  4. #4
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    RE:Opinion Be Motivated Today

    Hi Kevm,

    Firstly I can understand your skepticism and I’m sure you’re not the only person who would think this system sounds dodgy, but if you read through the report on how to generate passive income guaranteed you should realize how flawless, yet simple this system truly is.

    Yes you could probably register somewhere free to receive motivational emails “not that I know of any other websites”, but what you must realize is nothing in life is free. There is always a price, you never know, those other “might be” websites could be giving away so called free motivational emails just so that you can register your email address, and when they have your email address they add it to a massive mailing list, and then they sell that list “with your email address on it” for a good thousand Rands. Ever wondered how other people can send you SPAM without you having any prior contact with them…? Also the ebooks aren’t at a discount, it’s included in the package at no extra cost.

    The work required is extremely simple and 99% automated. But unlike other MLM systems you aren’t given a fake promise of getting rich quick. Be Motivated Today is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s a legal ethical system. Don’t get me wrong by using the advise the company gives you, you most definitely can become quite wealthy with this system, but it’s going to take some time. Thankfully you only need to work 9-15 minutes a day for 3-6 months, and then you can sit back and watch your income grow. Other MLM systems require you to attend seminars and to get your potential down line to attend info sessions, which gives very little explanation on how their system actually works. Getting others to sign up or even attend these info sessions is not at all easy, especially for people who aren’t very talkative and those with speech impediments “like myself”. With these other systems you really need be a good salesman to get even 1 person to sign up under you, and even if you are a good salesman most of these other systems cost between R1500 – R3000 to sign up. This definitely makes it extremely harder to get anyone to sign up under you. Believe me for the past 6 years I’ve tried out many of these systems many of which were major scams, but those that I made money from required me to work for more hours than are in day.
    I agree that on the 1st level you don’t receive any actual physical products, but in my opinion you do receive an excellent service with excellent motivational material. You receive the actual physical products on the latter levels which is not a problem since the amount of material you receive on the 1st level will keep you happy till you ready to upgrade to the next level.
    Another great thing about this system is that you never pay more money than you earn, and thus you don’t actually pay out of your pocket for the latter levels. Actually I only paid out of my pocket for the 1st month of the 1st level. How this works gets extensively explained in the free downloadable report on how to generate a passive income guaranteed, after registering for FREE.

    Just a side note… The company is also registered with the department of trade, so I can’t find one thing dodgy about this company or the system it uses.

    With all that said, we all have a right to our own opinion and I respect yours.

    Anyway if you have anymore questions visit : click on contact us and you’ll be given a contact number that you can call and ask all your questions, they’ll be more than happy to answers all of them.

  5. #5
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    Be Motivated Today

    I've also seen many MLM programs but have never taken any interest. I always felt that with these programs the "Devil is in the Details" and they load you with so much info that you can't see the Devil until you have already spent a considerable amout of money.

    I have to say though the Be Motivated Today system has become so popular that there must be some credibility to the system. For that reason I registered and got the free report on offer. After reading the report and the unique money making opportunity and commission structure I am fully impressed, and for the first time my scepticism has being challenged. I've become a Be Motivated Today member

    I'll keep you guys updated on my progress. Cheers!
    Last edited by Chatmaster; 14-Nov-09 at 06:31 PM. Reason: Affiliate link removed

  6. #6
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    Lightbulb Exciting Info Video!!!

    Be Motivated Today has just launched an exciting 20min info video. It’s believed that most people after registering for the FREE trial don’t have the time to read the in-depth report which explains the products and services, and how the passive income system works.

    This exciting info video makes things a lot easier for those registering now and also for those who have already registered but have not read the report yet. Since it basically explains how everything works and how you would be making money with the Be Motivated Today system.

    If you would like to watch the video click here

  7. #7
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    Stousin has explained it all,now i am brave since i am a BMT member i will now encourage others to join this program because i didn't even finish my 9-days -free trail its so easy to understand,it's cheap and there is a money back guarantee if you didn't make any cash in 6 months time,so there is nothing to loose
    Last edited by Dave A; 21-Nov-09 at 05:38 AM.

  8. #8
    Email problem
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    New BMT video question???

    Fellow Be Motivated Today Members...

    I've joined the Be Motivated Today program just recently and I have a concern with the introduction of the new video. Seeing that the video is 20 mins long, and not everyone might have time to view the video...

    Do you think that a visitor to the site who doesn't have time to view the video might lose interest and exit the page?

    Will this negatively effect the conversion rates?

    I do understand that if a vistor to the site scrolls down the page he/she will learn of the report that can be downloaded, but what if the person doesn't scroll down the page?

    All comments, thoughts, and relevant feedback will be appreciated!

  9. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    In my opinion, a 20 minute video as a promo seems pretty long! Especially as most internet users in SA have to keep an eye on their bandwidth usage.

    Is there a good reason as to why it's so long?

    And no, I'm not going to review a 20 minute video out of idle curiosity or to critique it.

  10. #10
    Email problem MichaelB's Avatar
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    I concur with Dave, 20 minutes is far too long for a promo video. Even training videos these days are not that long. How long would a 20 minute video take to actually download? I also cannot understand the thinking behind it. Is it perhaps that the video is being used to try and sell the proposition? Not a good move at all, rather use the video to stimulate interest, say 3 minutes long, then let a download in pdf format do the selling.

    I for one, aren't even going to attempt to watch the video, as soon as I see it's 20 minutes long, I'm outa there!

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