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Thread: Skim Artist Alert

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    Silver Member Candy Bouwer's Avatar
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    Skim Artist Alert

    Very soon the Malls & Shops will be dressing up their windows to attract all to do Christmas shopping. And all the criminal element need is a customer in a relaxed mood and a few seconds. Please read the article below provided by one of the Banking Groups.

    Skim artists hit town ON Thursday, Richards Bay Police arrested a man suspected of cloning bank cards.
    They detained a suspect who was using a skimming device to scan customers' bank details.
    SAPS spokesperson Captain René van der Westhuizen said that the small hand-held device, which can be hidden in the palm of the hand, is normally used for access control.
    'The bank card is slipped through within seconds and information from the magnetic strip is downloaded to the device.
    'The full bank information is later downloaded on to a computer.
    'The card is then duplicated and used to withdraw money from an ATM machine,' said van der Westhuizen.
    Police have warned the public not to let any bank cards out of sight during transactions.
    'When at a restaurant, ask for the banking machine to be brought to the table - do not let waiters walk off with your card.
    'It could easily be put through the skimming device without the card owner's knowledge, it only takes a few seconds to skim a card,' said Van der Westuizen, who added that any bank card can be skimmed.
    Following the arrest, police are investigating the suspect's links to a criminal syndicate.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	skim device.JPG 
Views:	631 
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ID:	63  
    Last edited by Dave A; 01-Nov-06 at 07:46 AM.
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