1. The use of pesticide products can be enforceably limited to specific groups of applicators provided they are clearly identifiable. Clearly identifiable persons include applicators defined in statute or regulation, or who can be identified by a license or other government issued credential, or who can demonstrate employment by an entity identified on the label, such as a vector control agency. However, it is not appropriate to include on the label of a non-restricted use product any language limiting use to certified applicators.
2. Use and user limitations required by the Agency as terms or conditions of registration in order to mitigate risk must be stated in enforceable, mandatory terms.
3. Advisory language -- such as “recommended (or not) for XXX use†-- is acceptable for marketing purposes, but is not enforceable and creates no obligations on sellers or enforcement agencies.
4. For non-restricted use products, specifying allowable or prohibited use sites, including but not limited to “institutional use†and “residential use†(both defined in regulations) is generally preferable to limiting user groups.
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